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CDC’s Zoonoses and One Health Updates Call November 6

The Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) Zoonoses and One Health Updates Calls are 1-hour monthly webinars that provide timely education on zoonotic and infectious diseases, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, vector-borne diseases, recent outbreaks, and related health threats at the animal-human-environment interface. Free continuing education is available to veterinarians.

November 6, 2-3pm ET. Calls are recorded.

This month’s call includes the following presentations:

  • One Health News from CDC
    Casey Barton Behravesh, MS, DVM, DrPH, DACVPM
    Captain, U.S. Public Health Service
    Director, One Health Office
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • One Health and antimicrobial resistance, a United States perspective
    Susan J. Bright-Ponte, DVM, MPH, Diplomate ACVPM
    Veterinary Medical Officer
    Center for Veterinary Medicine
    Food and Drug Administration
  • CDC’s Antimicrobial Resistance Year in Review: Progress across One Health
    Dawn Sievert, PhD, MS
    Science Lead, Antimicrobial Resistance Coordination and Strategy
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS): AMR and Alternatives to Antibiotics Research Across the One Health Spectrum
    Roxann Motroni DVM, PhD
    National Program Leader for Animal Health
    Agricultural Research Service
    US Department of Agriculture

Learn more, join the call, or listen to recorded calls.