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USDA Releases Vision Plan for NBAF

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is releasing a plan that outlines the department’s vision for the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) today, following the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement to transfer operations of NBAF from the Department of Homeland Security to USDA. [USDA 20 June 2019]

USDA’s most important responsibility is ensuring the safety of the food we eat, because it is undeniably true that food security is national security. NBAF will protect U.S. agriculture, farmers, and the American public from transboundary animal and dangerous, exotic zoonotic diseases by facilitating research, developing vaccines, performing diagnostic testing, and training researchers and veterinarians to respond to biothreats.

The plan provides a big-picture understanding of how USDA intends to capitalize on NBAF’s capabilities to best serve the nation. It outlines:

  • How NBAF will serve as a national biosecurity asset to protect human and animal health, food safety and the ag economy;
  • The capabilities provided by NBAF;
  • NBAF’s role in predicting, preventing and responding to threats;
  • The scientific mission and goals at NBAF; and
  • How USDA will collaborate with partners to expand NBAF’s capabilities and reach.

View the full plan or visit the USDA NBAF website.