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Canadian Swine Health Board to Target PRRS Eradication

The Canadian Swine Health Board has targeted the eradication of PRRS as one of its initial research priorities. Of the many projects planned, many will involve efforts to control Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS).

PRRS causes probably the most severe economic losses to Canadian swine herds across the whole nation. "We know that you can eliminate PRRS systematically in individual operations and if you have the correct biosecurity measures in place you can keep the places PRRS negative", says Board chair Florian Possberg.

"That is why quite a number of our projects are focusing on PRRS and how we can use that as not only improving the health of our Canadian herd but we know that if we can reduce and eliminate PRRS in our Canadian herd we can use the same principles to attack other diseases as well" Florian concludes.

The Canadian Swine Health Board was created in 2009 to coordinate efforts to improve the health of the Canadian swine herd and focuses on biosecurity, long term disease risk management and research.

Source:, April 29, 2010