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Iceland Pigs Infected with A/H1N1 Virus

Pigs from a pork farm in Iceland have been infected with the A/H1N1 virus, according to reports from Reykjavik on Tuesday. This makes 10 countries reporting pandemic H1N1 influenza infection in pigs (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Northern Ireland, Norway, Singapore and the U.S.).

"Pig A/H1N1 cases from the Minni-Vatnsleysa pork farm in southern Iceland have been confirmed by the University of Iceland’s Institute for Experimental Pathology at Icelandic southern city Keldur," said the Icelandic electronic newspaper Iceland Review.

It also said the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority reported the first case of pigs infection in the country Tuesday morning.

"As soon as suspicion of the infection arose yesterday, limitations were placed on the transport of live animals from the farm and all precautions tightened," reported Iceland Review.

Farmers at other pork farms are asked to be alert and report on possible symptoms of the H1N1 flu to the local veterinarian as soon as they notice them, it added.

According to a report submitted to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), approximately 10 sows were observed exhibiting clinical signs of influenza-like illness (off feed, fever (> 40 C/104 F), coughing and 2 abortions). Farm workers were reportedly sick for a few days prior to clinical signs in the pigs.

In addition to pigs, the virus has also been reported in turkeys in Canada and Chile. The clinical signs observed in turkeys resemble those seen in cases of low-pathogenic avian influenza — mainly a significant drop in egg production.

Xinhua, October 28, 2009
ProMED-mail, October 28, 2009