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AASV Member Named Iowa Veterinarian of the Year

Dr. John Thomson, dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University and an AASV member, was named Veterinarian of the Year at the annual meeting of the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA).

This prestigious award recognizes a distinguished IVMA member who has contributed to the advancement of veterinary medicine in the areas of organization, education, research, practice or regulatory service. As a result of Dr. Thomson’s tireless effort and dedication to the profession and the College of Veterinary Medicine, ISU established a cooperative veterinary education program with the University of Nebraska. In addition, the college will complete a $58 million expansion project in September of 2008.

Dr. Thomson was named Veterinarian of the Year in South Dakota in 1993 where he served on faculty at South Dakota State from 1987 to 1997 and again in Mississippi in 2003 while serving as dean of the veterinary college of Mississippi State University.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Thomson on this recognition and his many accomplishments contributing to the betterment of veterinary medicine.

Iowa Veterinary Medical Association