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Hurricane Katrina May Spread Soybean Rust

As Hurricane Katrina comes ashore along the southern coast, USDA Soybean Rust transport forecasters are concerned that it may carry spores as far west as southeast Missouri and as far north and east as eastern Canada and the U.S. Northeast. They predict that Soybean Rust spore dissemination will follow the storm’s path as it moves inland. Researchers indicate, however, that it takes several weeks of favorable disease weather to promote infection following spore deposition. Favorable weather is predicted for the eastern U.S. Tuesday and Wednesday, and then is gradually confined to northern New England, the state of Florida, and parts of southeastern Georgia on Thursday.

Prior to Katrina’s landfall, there were confirmed pockets of Soybean Rust in areas along the Mississippi – Louisiana border (the western border of the current infection) as well as along the eastern Alabama – western Florida panhandle. The known range of Soybean Rust extended as far north as northern Georgia and as far east as the southern portion of the Georgia – South Carolina border.
