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Have you searched the AASV website lately?

If you’re performing a search of the AASV website, recent changes to the online content may make it appear that your password isn’t working when you try to access the articles that appear in the search results listing. Chances are your password IS functioning properly, but you may find you are denied access to a number of articles appearing in your initial search results. What’s happening? Read on…

The AASV recently added the 2005 Swine Information CD ROM content to the website, and the papers from the CD (over 3500 of them!) are included in the results listing obtained when performing a website search. You’ll recognize the CD content by an iridescent CD icon to the left of the search results. Access to the CD content is available only to purchasers of the 2005 Swine Info CD, so if you haven’t purchased the CD, you’ll receive an "authentication error" message when you enter your password. In actuality, your password still works; it just won’t give you access to the CD content.

So what are your options? The first and most obvious is to purchase the 2005 Swine Information CD, providing you with access to several years of JSHAP issues and swine conference proceedings articles (AASV, Leman, George Young, ISU Swine Conference, IPVS, and more) in searchable Adobe pdf format. You’ll receive the CD in the mail, and within a week, your AASV password will be activated to grant access to the CD content online. For details about the CD content, and/or to order, see, or contact the AASV office (phone 515-465-5255; e-mail Please note, the CD (and online access) is available for purchase only by current AASV members and JSHAP subscribers.

Your second option? If you decide not to purchase the Swine Information CD, your AASV password will still allow you to enjoy the same great AASV benefits as always, including access to the electronic library of JSHAP issues, the archive of AASV News articles, the online downloadable image library, the AASV membership directory, and more. When performing a website search, you may wish to remove the CD articles from the results listing so that you see only the content available to you. To do so, after obtaining your initial search results, merely un-click the "2005 Swine Information CD ROM" box in the list of Indexes at the top of the search results page, then click "New Search." The articles listed on the new results page should be readily accessible to you with your AASV password.

For assistance or more information, please contact the AASV office: phone 515-465-5255 or e-mail