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Swine Veterinarians Invited to Apply for Hogg Scholarship

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians Foundation is pleased to offer the Hogg Scholarship, established to honor the memory of longtime AASV member and swine industry leader Dr. Alex Hogg. Applications for the $10,000 scholarship will be accepted until February 1, 2010, and the scholarship recipient will be announced on March 7 during the Foundation Luncheon at the AASV 2010 Annual Meeting in Omaha.

AASV Foundation requests research proposals

As part of its mission to fund research with direct application to the profession, the AASV Foundation seeks research proposals for funding in 2010. Proposals are due February 1, 2010, and may request a maximum of $6000 (US$) per project. The selection and announcement of projects for funding will take place in March.

AASV Spouse Luncheon Features Pork Preparation Tips

AASV spouses attending the annual meeting are invited to polish up their pork preparation skills with Chef Cobb during the spouse activity in Omaha. Chef Cobb has been an executive chef for more than 20 years, and has been at the Hilton since it opened in 2005. During his interactive presentation, he will discuss a variety of ways to prepare pork loin, both indoors and outdoors. He’ll share tips for side dishes that compliment pork and – with assistance from audience volunteers – prepare a delicious pork loin luncheon to enjoy! One of the Hilton’s wine experts will also join the group to talk about selecting wines that pair well with pork. The $30 registration fee for this activity includes Chef’s demonstration, the luncheon, and dessert. Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Register today at

Travel Stipends Provided to Veterinary Students Attending the AASV Annual Meeting

The AASV is pleased to announce that the AASV Foundation and Newport Laboratories are once again co-sponsoring a $200 travel stipend for each AASV Student Member who pre-registers and attends the AASV 2010 Annual Meeting in Omaha! This marks the sixth year the stipends have been provided to encourage and support student attendance at the meeting. Last year, a record 144 students attended the conference.

AASV Raises Awareness of Foreign Animal Disease Concerns Associated with Haiti Response

We have all watched with great compassion the events unfolding in Haiti following the devastating recent earthquake. Of course the humanitarian efforts being undertaken by teams from around the world are of paramount importance and take priority in the foreseeable future. Those in the medical profession, including veterinarians, are compassionate and caring people — always eager to help save lives and improve living conditions for both humans and animals. The AVMA, for example, has joined with a coalition of animal health and welfare groups operating in Haiti to facilitate the response from an animal health perspective.

New Opportunity to Meet Our Finest AASV Student Members!

At this year’s AASV annual meeting, the AASV Student Recruitment Committee will be coordinating a “speed interview” session for AASV practitioners to meet veterinary students interested in swine practice. To make this successful, we need AASV members to volunteer to participate in this event. Any veterinarian who is interested in hiring a new graduate, providing externship opportunities, or desiring to meet the best and brightest swine veterinary students is invited to participate. The interview session will be held Saturday, March 6 from 5:00-7:00 PM at the conference hotel. If you are interested in participating, please contact Amy Woods ( by February 8.

AASV publishes 4th edition of the Swine Disease Manual

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians is pleased to announce the publication of the 4th edition of the Swine Disease Manual, edited by Drs. Eric Neumann, Alex Ramirez, and Kent Schwartz. The 4th edition has been completely revised and updated, and includes new information on clostridial disease, salmonellosis, porcine circovirus, and more. Copies are available for purchase at

“Wanted: Veterinarians to participate in this year’s “”Vet Hunt”” at the AASV Annual Meeting”

The AASV Annual Meeting provides a perfect opportunity for veterinary students to establish relationships with practicing veterinarians. To facilitate this networking, we will again offer the “Vet Hunt” contest at this year’s Annual Meeting. Students will be challenged to meet as many of the veterinarians as they can from a specified list of volunteers during the first couple days of the meeting. The three students who speak with the most veterinarians will receive prizes, provided by Intervet/Schering-Plough during the Student Reception. This is where you – AASV member veterinarians – come in! Contact Daren Miller, AASV Student Delegate, ( if you would be willing to participate in this fun activity. The students will appreciate it!