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AASV Speaker Reimbursement

The purpose of the AASV Annual Meeting is to provide quality continuing education for the practicing veterinarian and to this end, the program committee should attempt to utilize as broad a range and as many quality speakers as possible.

All Invited Speakers* receive

  1. SPEAKING STIPEND: Invited speakers are paid a stipend based on the rate of $250/hour, with a minimum stipend of $125. Panel fees are calculated by dividing the hourly speaker fee by the number of panelists. No speaker fee will be paid if a speaker fails to submit his/her paper by the due date (November 15).
  2. COMPLIMENTARY MEETING REGISTRATION: Invited speakers receive complimentary registration to the AASV Annual Meeting. Speakers who wish to attend preconference seminars (other than those in which they are speaking) must pay the appropriate seminar fee.

AASV Member Speaker Expense Reimbursement

The AASV does NOT reimburse travel, accommodation, or meal expenses for AASV members (this applies to both domestic and international members).

Nonmember Speaker Expense Reimbursement

  1. TRAVEL: The AASV will pay round trip airfare (best available coach class fare, not first class) from the speaker’s nearest airport to the meeting city. The AASV will reimburse for actual expense (up to $75.00) of ground transportation from the airport to the headquarters hotel and back. If a speaker chooses to drive, the Association will reimburse mileage (based on Google Maps) from speaker’s home to meeting city) at the current rate allowable by the IRS, plus parking fees (total mileage and fees will not exceed the best available round-trip air fare).
  2. LODGING: The AASV will pay for one night’s accommodation, not to exceed the AASV room block rate at the conference hotel. Incidental expenses (e.g., movies, bar bills, internet and phone expenses) will not be paid by AASV. Additional accommodation expenses for overseas and other speakers may be paid, at the discretion of the Program Chairperson. Continental speakers may be reimbursed for expenses for the day before and the day of their presentations. Hotel expenses for speakers participating on two separate, non-consecutive days may be paid, at the discretion of the Program Chairperson, for the respective days.
  3. MEALS: The AASV will provide noon lunch on Monday, a reception meal on Monday evening, and breakfast on Tuesday morning. The actual expense of other meals will be reimbursed, up to a maximum allowance of $100 per day.

Reimbursement for actual expenses will be based on timely submission of valid receipts to the AASV office. Speaking stipends and reimbursements are paid after the meeting.

* Exceptions

Industrial Partners and Research Topics speakers are expected to be funded entirely by their respective companies or universities and DO NOT receive speaking stipends, complimentary registration, or expense reimbursement from AASV. Practice Tips speakers are competing for prizes. They are automatically registered for the practice tips seminar, but do not receive speaking stipends, complimentary meeting registration, or expense reimbursement.